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By WolfsBane SILVER
Kerrville, Texas

There was a girl, way back when. She was my friend. Until when, we lost touch, fell out, never saw each other again. I still remember her, but would she remember me? I wonder w...
WolfsBane SILVER, Kerrville, Texas
8 articles 3 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Death in anonymity is the ultimate insult to human dignity.&rdquo;<br /> -Kathy Reichs

By DizjayBlount PLATINUM
Las Vegas, Nevada
DizjayBlount PLATINUM, Las Vegas, Nevada
33 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Emotions? Nope, I&#039;ve got nothin&#039; like that. I told you when we first met, didn&#039;t I? I&#039;m a snake. With cold skin, no emotions, that slithers around searching for prey with its tongue, swallowing down whatever looks tasty&quot; <br /> -Gin Ichimaru

By DizjayBlount PLATINUM
Las Vegas, Nevada
DizjayBlount PLATINUM, Las Vegas, Nevada
33 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Emotions? Nope, I&#039;ve got nothin&#039; like that. I told you when we first met, didn&#039;t I? I&#039;m a snake. With cold skin, no emotions, that slithers around searching for prey with its tongue, swallowing down whatever looks tasty&quot; <br /> -Gin Ichimaru

Cromwell, Connecticut
2PCamp BRONZE, Cromwell, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Why do hot dogs come in packages of ten when hot dogs buns come in packages of eight?

DizjayBlount PLATINUM, Las Vegas, Nevada
33 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Emotions? Nope, I&#039;ve got nothin&#039; like that. I told you when we first met, didn&#039;t I? I&#039;m a snake. With cold skin, no emotions, that slithers around searching for prey with its tongue, swallowing down whatever looks tasty&quot; <br /> -Gin Ichimaru

By Annibonny DIAMOND
Evanston, Illinois
Annibonny DIAMOND, Evanston, Illinois
67 articles 38 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes life takes a path that is hard to walk on, so all you have to do is put on your hiking boots.

By darien123 SILVER
Grandville, Michigan
darien123 SILVER, Grandville, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;sometimes the smallesat things take up the most room in your heart.&quot;

By darien123 SILVER
Grandville, Michigan
darien123 SILVER, Grandville, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;sometimes the smallesat things take up the most room in your heart.&quot;

Zoya_Khan GOLD, Gujranwala, Other
19 articles 0 photos 420 comments

Favorite Quote:
Where LOGIC ends, FAITH begins.<br /> - Zoya Khan

By Nick540 SILVER
Ridgeland, South Carolina
Nick540 SILVER, Ridgeland, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments