song/poem | Teen Ink


April 29, 2013
By darien123 SILVER, Grandville, Michigan
darien123 SILVER, Grandville, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"sometimes the smallesat things take up the most room in your heart."

All the lonely people crying
We were all in the hospital sitting their wondering
It could all change if we just got started
We were all wondering if he was going to survive
Lift the darkness, Light a fire
I felt empty and dark inside and so did everyone else
For the silent and the broken hearted
the doctor came and we all got silent
Won’t you stand up, stand up, stand up
We all got the horrible news; my aunt stood up and went to say goodbye
Won’t you stand up you girls and boys
And then I went in the room to say goodbye
Won’t you stand up, stand up, stand up
I walked out and my mom gave me a hug
Won’t you stand up and use your voice
I started crying; he was in heaven
There’s a comfort, there’s a healing
But I liked that hug from my mom I felt better inside with the comfort
High above the pain and sorrow
I have to get past the pain in my chest
Change is coming can you feel it
Its different know that he’s gone
Calling us into a new tomorrow
Tomorrow will be a better day
When the walls fall all around you
Everything is going downhill from here
When your hope has turned to dust
My hope that he will survive has disappeared
Let the sound of love surround you
But his spirit will guide over me
Beat like a heart in each of us
He will always love us and we will always love him

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