Flight to Florida | Teen Ink

Flight to Florida MAG

By Anonymous

Ouraltitude increases,
air swoops around fans,
like water boiling
in hugepots and pans.

Cacophonous vibrations tear up my ears;
wings flap upwith a swoosh,
each noise brings new fears.

A bright blueuniform,
won't let my eyes close.
A steward offers me headphones;
it'shis permanent pose.

Bad thoughts flash through my head.
My sistersleeps and drools,
those who can rest
are lucky, fools.

Agrandfatherly gentleman
Plays peekaboo
with a toddler who does notknow
what terrorists do.

Safety by Aaron D., Atlanta, GA

Chinatown at Night by Lance G., Antelope, CA

Fantasy and Reality of Las Vegas by Morgan O., Hull, MA

Eleven Days in Brazil by Megan S., No. Platte, NE

The Morning Train by Becky S., Southbury, CT

An Amazing Sight by Harold S., Goodyear, AZ


By Megan S., No. Platte, NE

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