Celeste: A mentally challenge Climb | Teen Ink

Celeste: A mentally challenge Climb

March 18, 2024
By Anonymous

Climbing a mountain can be physically and mentally exhausting, sort of like mental health. Taking life one step at a time and celebrating the peaks is both important in climbing and mental health. Celeste was developed and published by Maddy Makes Games in 2018 as an indie game inspired by mental health. It's a challenging 2D platformer about Madeline who must overcome physical obstacles as well as her inner demons as she climbs Celeste Mountain.

The story is broken up into different parts of the mountain. As the player navigates through levels filled with spikes, moving platforms, and other hazards that the mountain has, it brings new elements of play in a safe environment. We dive into Madeline's perspective and her struggles with anxiety and self-doubt as she climbs the mountain.It gives us an emotional connection between feeling a personal triumphs victory over a level and over one's own fears. 

It's not just about conquering mountains; it's also about self-discovery and acceptance. It doesn't shy away from addressing mental health challenges. Getting over personal obstacles is a journey of setbacks and small victories, so players can find comfort and understanding through Madeline's struggles. You gain determination every time you fail to climb the mountain, motivating you to try again. Despite any setbacks, there is an assist mode that lets you customize your settings, acknowledging that they are part of the journey and not the end.

Celeste's soundtrack, composed by Lena Raine, adds emotional depth to the game. The music complements the game, making it feel more accomplished and providing a calming background music along the journey. The unity between visuals, gameplay, and music is a testament to the game's attention to detailed design and the impact it gives the  players.

You and Madeline are taught resilience, determination, and the importance of acknowledging and confronting one's inner struggles on your journey. It shows players that they are not alone and inspires them to embrace difficulty, learn from failures, and persevere. A traditional gaming experience challenges the player with mediocre tasks and doesn't provide a relatable narrative or impact the players on a deep, emotional level. A game can give a positive message or even life-affirming qualities but does it really make it a truly transformative experience. Celeste offers not just a gaming experience but a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Breaking down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps, celebrating small victories, acknowledging those setbacks, seeking support and understanding that everyone faces their own metaphorical mountain can contribute to a healthier mindset.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 23 2024 at 1:22 pm
Shorthairdontcare SILVER, Houston Area, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 76 comments
I love Celeste SOOO much it's one of my favorite games ever!!! Thanks for writing this!!