The Longest Ride | Teen Ink

The Longest Ride

September 24, 2015
By Tray0615 BRONZE, Scandia Alberta, Other
Tray0615 BRONZE, Scandia Alberta, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The longest ride is a 2015 American romantic drama film directed by George Tillman, Jr. The author of the book is Nicholas Sparks. It films the stars Scott Eastwood, Britt Robertson, and Jack Huston.


Luke Collins (Scott Eastwood) is a bullrider who is seriously injured, when he gotten on the bull Rango at the PBR world finals. One year later he gets back and meets Sophia Danako (Britt Robertson). On their first date they encounter an older gentlemen, who has crashed his car. Luke and Sophia saved him, the older gentlemen whispered “the box”. Inside the box were the letters that the older gentleman’s wife’s and his letters. His wife’s name was Ruth. After Luke Collins covered Rango at the PBR World Finals he gave his bullrope to a kid in the stands. The kid was no older than seven. 

I recommend you to watch this amazing movie. I give it five stars. 


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