Blackfish | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Over the summer, I kept constantly hearing about a movie called Blackfish. At first I had no idea what the movie was about, but then I was later told that it was an extremely powerful documentary about whales that would definitely change my outlook on SeaWorld. After hearing this, I decided that I should watch it. After watching it, it turned out to be one of the most interesting, informative, effective, and emotional movies I have ever seen.

Blackfish is a documentary that is centered on the death in 2010 of former trainer Dawn Brancheau by Tilkium, who is the largest Orca whale of the SeaWorld group. Tilikum was captured in the waters of Iceland when he was only 3, and since then he has many incedents resulting in serious injuries and even 3 deaths.

One of the most powerful lines of the movie was when one of the former trainers posed the question “If you were in a bathtub for 25 years, don't you think you'd get a little psychotic?!" After hearing this quote, I really felt terrible for the whales as they are literally held in a giant bathtub for their entire lives. This line, along with all of the footage of the attacks, the whales being abused and also hearing testimonies from former workers and trainers is what made me change my outlook on Sea World. Now I can honestly say that I will never ever go to SeaWorld ever again.


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