Frozen | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By YeJin BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
YeJin BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hakuna Matata"-Lion King

Let Reality Go As You Escape into Frozen

Ever since the creation of a popular cartoon character “Mickey Mouse”, Disney films has always drawn the audience’s attention all over the world. While Disney films help increase creativity and imagination among little kids; it plants small seeds called hopes and dreams to teens and even adults. Age does not seem to matter since the films were created to help people escape from the stressful reality into a place where there is always a happily ever after. Some believe that Disney films are nothing but a childish animation, and yes I also admit that I have thought the exact thing once. However, Disney films teach you to put on your shinny armor and be courageous, generous, and that sometimes it is acceptable to be unique and find your own voice.

Disney films are nonviolent, memorable and are very educational. In every film, it teaches the audience valuable life lessons, such as “Don’t let go of your dreams”, “Hakuna Matata” and my personal favorite, “If you can dream it, you can do it”; which is a direct quote from Walt Disney. For the audience, it is not a mystery to discover the lesson, since they are a part of the soundtrack. Numerous Disney soundtracks (Let it Go-Frozen) are considered to be one of the best songs in the charts, and they are very addicting, so it is hard for the audience to forget. In addition, Disney films are part of a memory for many adults, that help them think back to their childhood they cherish, reflect back on. Not only that, Disney films are a great way to bring family members together; creating an inseparable bond, which could also turn into an unforgettable memory.

To add on, one reason why the audiences crave Disney films are due to their unique characters. Every movie has different characters, which may be an animal, human or an object has a different and their particular personality, helping the film feel fresh each time. Additionally, the films have a surprising connection to each other, creating a puzzle piece the audience can put together. For instance, the audience would never have expected that Rapunzel from Tangled, released in 2010, was cousins with Anna and Elsa from Frozen, released in 2014. Both movies have two completely different plots, but have a connection to each other. While Tangled is about a 16 year old girl wanting to find her freedom, and discovering her true identity, Frozen is about two sisters fighting for their each other with the power of true love.

Anna and Elsa were sisters from Kingdom Arendelle, who had inseparable bond until a terrible accident during their childhood, due to the older sister Elsa’s ability to create snow/ice; causing Elsa to shun Anna out. Conflict arises when their parents pass away during the travel to a foreign land, making Elsa the Queen of Arendelle. When the two sisters try to restore their bond, the citizens of Arendelle discovers Elsa’s power, forcing Elsa to run away and freeze the kingdom. As Anna goes on an adventure with an ice picker named Kristoff to find Elsa, she discovers the act of true love for her frozen heart.

One of the reasons I was fascinated by this movie was because Frozen similar to other Disney’s movie continued the tradition on true love, however this time, the true love was between the two sisters Anna and Elsa, rather than the charming prince who always came to the rescue. In most Disney’s princess movie such as: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, men has been the main “hero”, and the princess was no more than one of the character who is saved; however in Frozen, Disney took a great leap forward making the women characters to face their own problem without the Prince Charming’s help. There also seem to be a lot more humor from the characters unlike other Disney movies, which captured my attention more. Overall, the movie Frozen was heart-warming film that made me realized the importance of family relationship. As more movies are being made, Disney films are advancing further and further, and I am looking forward to more movies as great as this.


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