Wizard Of Oz (1939) | Teen Ink

Wizard Of Oz (1939)

February 21, 2014
By Amanda_Marie_Larson BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Amanda_Marie_Larson BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pain in Temporary Pride Is Forever

The Wizard Of Oz released in 1939, is a classic, adventurous story of a hopeful girl finding the reality in the world. Teaching some childhood lessons along with a great story line, this director puts the reality into a child’s world. They show how just over the rainbow, on the other side of the fence it can be scary but worth it. It shows that you can’t rely on your parents and you will have to grow up eventually, and go”over the rainbow”, to the brighter side. A symbol for hope and freedom. This directors used the effect of changing from black and white to color in their advantage, almost like a lesson. The effects including the tornado, and flying monkey is wisely produced, and entertaining to watch. Not only with this special effect of changing the color it could be seen as saying Dorthy as growing up and being happier. It can be drawn out at times, but it’s good for all ages and is a family classic. It’s action and adventure in the same movie. Between the flying monkeys and the enchanted emerald green forest, is eye pleasing. Dorthy, the main character learning to make friends with all kind of people, and lions could be a good lesson for little kids, also concluding with moral of everyone has their flaws and we are all human, and even wizards could have problems. The film still beloved, will always be in your heart after watching it as you walk down the yellow brick road.


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on Aug. 26 2017 at 7:17 am
Realjay41 DIAMOND, Culpeper , Virginia
81 articles 1 photo 91 comments
I love this movie a lot.