twilight | Teen Ink


May 13, 2009
By shermika BRONZE, Bellaire, Ohio
shermika BRONZE, Bellaire, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This thriller/romance film is about a vampire and a human falling dangerously in love. This movie really lived up to its name! Edward Collin and Bella Swan, in the movie, play a very interesting role. Usually vampires eat human flesh, but in this case they don’t! The Collin family has been eating animals for a long time. They would rather take the sacrifice of the great human blood for their lives. Dr. Collin saved the whole family from dieing from Spanish influenza. Edward and Bella had their first encounter in the biology lab. After that day Bella came to think Edward didn’t like her very much. Come to find out he is a vampire and he couldn’t take the threshold of smelling her flesh. Edward claimed that it was like a drug to him. From the first day on, he protected her from everything and everyone! When she went to meet his family to go play baseball, they ran into some trouble. They met other vampires and at first they were cool and didn’t suspect a thing, but when the wind blew one of them got a wiff of her blood! He almost got a hold of her, but the family all jumped at once. It comes to the point that she is in a race for her life to get out of town. The tracker tracks her and plays like he has her mom and wants her to meet him at her old dance studio. Bella takes a chance and leaves to the studio. It was a trap! He has her cornered until Edward saves her!


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on Jun. 23 2009 at 3:02 am
LoveLikeWoe DIAMOND, LeSueur, MN, Minnesota
54 articles 2 photos 748 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever laughs first has the sickest mind.

Okay first, it's Cullen. C-U-L-L-E-N They dont eat flesh they drink blood and only animals so that was right. They do suspect that there's something wrong with them. They're unsure. It is her SCENT not her blood. And only edward was dying from spanish influenza. She first met his family in their house. It was all a game to james. He loved tracking her. That was his obsession. Tracking. And now that i've said that i have to go watch it.