The Curious Case of Benjamin Button | Teen Ink

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

May 11, 2009
By Darcy Rozen BRONZE, Lincolnshire, Illinois
Darcy Rozen BRONZE, Lincolnshire, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes we take the little things for granted. Not large things, but the tiny details that make up our life. Like sleeping in your own room or growing up in a loving environment. Or maybe even growing up at all... In the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Benjamin was born old and was growing younger while the rest of the world was ageing. And he was becoming younger all alone. This story is very romantic in the traditional sense. It was Benjamin's life narrated by him, from birth to death.
Now I can't tell you the reason I saw this movie and expect you to be the same, but I do know one thing. No mater who you are or how old you are, you will enjoy this movie. It is beautifully done with amazing make up, costumes, and scene design. Also the script had brilliant plot development and dialogue ( which is very important for the development of the film).

Break Down:

Acting: The acting was good but not Oscar winning. Brad Pit and Cate Blanchett did manage to become the character but not as much as to literally feel the character. It is hard to explain, but they didn't cross that small threshold that would have made their acting award winning.

Plot: The script was very well done and contained both plot and dialogue that moved the story along. It contained scenes of humor, romance, and tragedy, which rounded the tale. Also the way the story played out had a very "Forest Gump" feel to it, which is nice every once in a while. The only problem I had with it was the ending. In my opinion the ending didn't have much closure. Now don't get me wrong, it did have some closure, I just feel as though it could have had more.

Make up: The make up was amazing, which is important in a movie where the actor is ageing backwards.

Cinematography: very well done. The way the movie was shot gave it character and added to the over all mood of the story

Costumes: added to the mood

Score: Very important. Added to the mystery and romance of the tale.

Overall I believe The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was an amazing film, and though it is long, it is worth seeing

Stars: * * *


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