Vice vs. Virtue Essay | Teen Ink

Vice vs. Virtue Essay

March 27, 2018
By alyssacorona1 BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
alyssacorona1 BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout the book The Scarlet Letter, Hester acquires the letter “A” which is originally supposed to represent a vice to her character, but it turns out to become a virtue. My letter is also the letter “A,” to represent arrogance. My personal vice is that I am extremely full of myself, or in other words, arrogant. This can sometimes be a bad quality because it makes me seem as if I am superior to everyone else, instead of being humble about my talents and looks. This makes people less likely to want to befriend me because they think I will just brag about myself all the time or put them down. Being arrogant makes me seem as if I am the only person important to myself, and no one else. For example, when I was a little girl, my dance teacher would frequently yell at me because I would admire myself in the mirror and completely zone out. I hope to change my arrogance and how I view myself to become a more humble and modest person.

Hester’s letter, which used to bring her tremendous pain and suffering, turned out to be her greatest virtue. Like Hester, my greatest virtue is that I am affectionate. When someone gets to know me, I turn out to be one of the most affectionate people they will ever meet. For example, when I walk next to someone, I always have to be touching them whether I hold their hand, link arms with them, or just touch shoulders. I also am a huge cuddler and always hug people no matter where I am. Some who do not know me think it is weird, but soon become fond of it because they will never feel lonely with me by their side. Hopefully, I will never change my affectionate personality as I continue to grow up and work my way through life.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the book The Scarlet Letter. It shows how sometimes one's vice can become a virtue. 


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