Hoot by by Carl Hiaasen | Teen Ink

Hoot by by Carl Hiaasen

November 27, 2017
By titan385 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
titan385 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hoot by Carl Hiaasen is in the genre of realistic fiction. It takes place in Coconut Cove, Florida. The plot of the story is about these two kids Roy Eberhardt is the new kid in his school. Mullet Fingers is called mullet fingers because he is said to be able to catch a mullet with his bare hands. Roy and Mullet Fingers need help to do something big they need to stop mother Paula’s all american pancake house. The book is a good read I would recommend reading it some time. Also this book has a lot of good themes about how much we care about money, and how little we care about our environment.


Hoot was a great book with great content. There was a few points that were bad in the book, and a lot more that were good. Starting with the bad I felt that Mullet Fingers was not seen as often as he should have been he is such an important character but he was only there during mother Paula's pancake house raids and after. Now with the good I like that it has real life problems, it has it’s own way of flowing, it is a easy read, it is a great book and I would recommend reading it.


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