I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore | Teen Ink

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

I am Number four is a very creative book even though a home plant begin blow up then heros go to earth in order to survive and bring back the plant is very cliche. Also how the love interest of the main protagonist is human who falls in love with in Him/Her either way is again overused. But other than that the book is almost original like who their are two type of people  with legacies and ones without legacies. By the way legacies is the ability the planet give to a handful of people. One thing I dislike about the book is that the author is the ultimate being in his own book though there is not much mention of him in the first book. Another thing I absolutely hate about the book is how long they drag out month where not much is happening and I eventually loss a little bit of interest in the book by then. But I think it is worth at the end where the group got separated due to the enemy finding the location of the main protagonist and in order to protect the rest of the group so they decide to split up which is almost tear jerking. The reason being that the majority of the book is where the reader connect with each character through the main protagonist prospective and giving the reader really detail sensory imagery about each individual. I would recommend this to anyone who likes sci-fi and romance.Overall the book is very interesting and I am curious about the rest of the book and how it will build up the the final boss.

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