The Bad Beginning | Teen Ink

The Bad Beginning

March 13, 2009
By Richard Casas BRONZE, San Jose, California
Richard Casas BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To my surprise, The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket turned out to be an outstanding and creative story. It commenced with a terrible message to three young Baudelaire siblings that brought them misfortune throughout the book. Due to this terrible news, these youngsters undergo through harsh challenges. For example they are forced to support a terrible hideous villain who is tying to kill them. Not only that but they have to stand eating nasty porridge day by day. But the worst of it was the plot to steal these poor children's money that was left to them by their parents.

I would recommend this fabulous book to readers who love to acknowledge mystery and suspense books. But in the end, the fact that this book leaves you with the feeling of wanting to read more, makes this story a Five Star Book


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