The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

March 2, 2017
By Anonymous

Did you ever read an amazing book? Well, I did, and the book was, “Fault In Our Stars” by John Green. This novel is about a 16- year old girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster who was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 14. Ever since her diagnosis, she doesn’t see her life as meaningful. After one of her very many visits to the doctor, the physician recommended that Hazel should attend a support group to let her know she’s not the only one going through this. After Hazel’s mom finally convinced her daughter to go, Hazel’s life changed. Hazel met Augustus, and the rest, as they say, is history.  He showed her a new perspective on life, which changed her completely.


The main problem in the story was that Hazel and Augustus both had cancer. Their cancer did interfere with their everyday lives and created an obstacle every day. You’re probably thinking that this stopped them from living their life to the fullest, but actually, the opposite occurred, and it made them even closer. There was a strong bond between these two teenagers that turns to true love. The way that the story ends (SPOILER ALERT!!)  is that Augustus dies, but this doesn’t stop Hazel from living her life, because after meeting Augustus, she started seeing the world differently. At Augustus’ funeral, Hazel realized that, “Funerals are for the living, not for the dead…”.

This book is amazing, and is well written. The author John Green described the love story of two stricken teens vividly and realistically. Every time I started reading this novel, it was very hard to put it down. Even though it's unlikely for two cancer patients to have that much time/straight to spend with each other, it’s still one of my favorite novels. This novel is my all time favorite book that I keep reading over, and over because it's that good.

In my opinion, I believe that this book is meant for people that love romance books, as well as people that are interested in reading something new. I personally believe that people that love romance books would love this book because this story is showing the reader that no matter what life holds upon Hazel, and Augustus, they will always be there for each other.

When I first opened this novel I never expected it to be this amazing. This novel has touched my heart, and I'm sure it touched many others as well. Some people don't believe in true love, and maybe you're that person that doesn't, but after reading this novel you may change your mind, and start to believe that there is a person out there, even when you doubt yourself like Hazel did. 

The author's comments:

My teacher made me write, but I really enjoyed doing this because I love the book that I wrote about.

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