If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan | Teen Ink

If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan

January 27, 2017
By mcva15 SILVER, Sacramento, California
mcva15 SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We love people that hurt us , and we hurt people that love us.

“We aren't gay,we are just in love.” In Sara Farizan book If You Could Be Mine you have Sahar and Nasrin who are two girls in love. This quote inspired me to understand this book and things better about how two girls,or two boys in love is no different from a girl and a boy being in love.


Sahar is a seventeen year old who has been in love with her best friend Nasrin since hey were six years old. She wants to go to Tehran University to study medicine. She lives with her baba , meaning her father , he is a mother and a father for Sahar ever since her mother died. She feels like if her mother was still here she would be able to tell her how she feels about Nasrin. Nasrin on the other hand is also a seventeen year old but she wants to move India and become a Bollywood actress , she goes to her Indian dance routines , she's an excellent dancer and with a group of girls at school they practice. She lives with both of her parents and her parents arranged her a wedding with a man named Reza. She starts to have mixed feelings about Reza and Sahar.


When Sahar finds out that Nasrin is getting married she doesn't know what to do. She tries to get Nasrin to understand and talks to her to cancel the wedding.But Nasrin has mixed emotions about how she feels about Sahar and Reza. So the idea of moving away comes up to mind for Sahar.


I would definitely recommend this book to not only teens but adults too. I think it's a very good book and you get a lot from  it, it made me think and realize stuff about outside in the real world.

The author's comments:

i inspired to do this book because it really got to me and i learned alot from it . i hope people realize alot of stuff in this book and connect it with the outside world.


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