The Swoly Bible by Dom Mazzetti | Teen Ink

The Swoly Bible by Dom Mazzetti

January 24, 2017
By KiNgZ_01 SILVER, Sacramento, California
KiNgZ_01 SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Knowledge ain't shit unless its applied" (Bradley Martyn)

Have you ever heard of the comedian Mike Tornabene (Dom Mazzetti) from that Youtube channel called BroScience present you this book “ 50% facts 50% magic 100% results”

Dom Mazzetti is your average bro in his early twenties. Dom Mazzetti confidently stupid but with good intentions at long last, answers the questions as “what  can you bench?” “what goes in this protein shake?” in it, Dom lays out about how to make gains in the gym and in your life, giving the best tips.

Brofessor Dom breaks down step by step the different seven stages of the lifting of the evolution of the lifting man Dom quotes “Each stage of The Swoly Bible is divided up according to the seven stages of the evolution of the lifting man.”

I recommend to both teens and adults would love this humorous book written in Dom’s comedian voice with visuals throughout the book, The Swoly Bible is perfect for anyone in your or the gym mafia. Once you start reading the pages to the seven lfiting stages of the lifting man, you won’t want to put it down!

The author's comments:

Brofessor Dom's channel is funny so I was like why not write about it!


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