Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

December 28, 2016
By iamartipatel BRONZE, Porter, Indiana
iamartipatel BRONZE, Porter, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“But not us! An’ why? Because… because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.” A quiet popular quote from Of Mice and Men and what the book is about. Of Mice and Men was a tragedy but still a fictional book. In the book it starts off by us getting to know Lennie and George's relationship and we get to see how it progresses at the book continues. We can obviously tell that Lennie had a mental disorder and George was there for him as reassurance. With Lennie’s mental disorder he would get himself and others into a lot of trouble. With that Lennie was just hurting himself and others. We as readers could all see this but also George saw all of this. At the end he was faced with the challenge of having to kill his best friend. This book was personally one of my favorites. Being able to see the hardship from back in the day and people having to put others in front of them just brought this book together for me. Highly suggested for mostly highschoolers or even deep thinkers.
I would highly recommend this book. For me it was a book where you had to really think about it. Now personally I am used to over thinking situations in which I thought this book was perfect for me. It was not necessarily the genre of the book that made it appealing to me, but it was the charaters. I just thought that it was easy for me to connect with characters. The characters just seemed like some people you meet once in your life. Lennie, the innocent one, there are tons of Lennie's out there, plus people with disorders. We see them all throughout society nowadays. George, the everyday man, was just the average man having to deal with everyday problems and the struggle of losing someone he loved. Curley’s wife, the temptress, was just a distraction for everyone, and I am positive that everyone has their own piece of distraction. Those were just some characters I could connect with and help bring the book to life for me. Of Mice and Men is highly recommended from me to all the deep thinkers out there. Even if you are not this book will surely get you thinking.

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