Me Before You by Jojo Moyes | Teen Ink

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

November 7, 2016
By mlad6310 BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
mlad6310 BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A book that will make you cry at times and make you laugh at times is Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. When the main character Louisa Clark loses her job and needs to provide money for her family she is faced to pick between a low paying job that she can’t stand or an over average paying job that she is growing to hate.
Louisa is a very strong character who sticks to her gut and does what her heart wants. Louisa is faced with the challenges of her boyfriend Patrick and his busy career, her family and their financial needs, and her sister moving out of the house. She is left to provide most of the money for her family which means sticking with working for the Traynors and their son Will.

Louisa quickly learns to make the best out of her job up until she finds out some terrible news that could possibly change everything, it us up to her to see if she can change Will’s mind. Along the way readers can quickly fall in love with Will and Louisa’s humorous but sarcastic friendship.

Most teens will appreciate the love and valuable life lessons taught in this book, you will get to know and love these characters and personalities. This is a book that I would highly recommend.

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