House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros | Teen Ink

House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

October 19, 2016
By _WALKER_ BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
_WALKER_ BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   In the story The House on Mango Street it talks about a young Spanish girl and her struggle in life which is created by the author, Sandra Cisneros. I would not recommend this story because of it's sad and sometimes cruel in the scenes that play out.

   In this story, it talks about a girl, named Esperanza that struggles throughout her life because of poverty. She is forces to move from house to house. The houses that she moves into are cheap and run down and the living are is cramped with the siblings she lives with. Most of the kids she meets, she doesn't like, and the one girl she wants to be friends with is a bad example. Her name is Sally and she is raised by a dad that physically abuses her and she is forced to run away to Esperanza's house. Later on in the story, she has little respect for Esperanza and makes fun of her because of her misfortunes, and then runs away again to another state, to get married under age. Esperanza is constantly depressed throughout the story and all she wants is to have a house of her own, and to change her name.

   In the book it states, that "she doesn't like the way her name is pronounced in English and she doesn't like the meaning of her name in Spanish." Esperanza is also very insecure about her appearance because of others making fun of her. To me this is a sad story, Esperanza's parents pay little or no attention to her, she is bullied by neighborhood kids, she living in poverty, and has trouble making friends. 

   Every story has its' ups and downs, but in this story it contains more downs. What I'm trying to say is that I would not recommend this book because of its' plot structure.

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