Where The Heart Is | Teen Ink

Where The Heart Is

March 11, 2009
By sarah sheehan BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
sarah sheehan BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Novalee Nation, seventeen, seven months pregnant, and terrified of the number 7 had never really had a home, or a family. But now it seemed her life was taking a turn for the better. Novalee was on her way to California were she was gonna live in a beautiful house with a big lawn and an amazing view. She was going to start a life and a family with her boyfriend; well that's what she thought anyway. But her high tempered boyfriend abandons her at Wal-Mart in a south western hunky dunk town, alone with no were to go and only $7.77 in her pocket. After camping out in Wal-Mart for weeks, she meets some of the most caring people that help her find the simple treasures in life and become the family she never had. When Novalee's baby Americus Nation is born in the local Wal-Mart, she gets publicity she could have never dreamed of, but not all of it so good'. Novalee is taken in by Sister Husband an elderly lady, and when Novalee's baby is kidnapped, they can only conclude one of the anonymous Authors has something to do with it. Novalee finds her self going on the most simple but spectacular adventures. This book is a clever and heart warming story that is brilliantly written. This book is a feel-good read about a girl in an enormous and unpredictable world, but always knows 'Where the heart is'. I recommend this book to everyone; it is a fresh and crisp read with an amazing message. The characters will have you begging for more.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 15 2009 at 2:38 am
WriterWannaBe PLATINUM, Somers Point, New Jersey
23 articles 0 photos 28 comments
I liked this a lot. I'll probably go and get the book now. Keep on writing!