The Red Pyramid Review | Teen Ink

The Red Pyramid Review

April 2, 2016
By Anonymous

Readers will want to know what it’s like to be young, running around with your sibling and uncle trying to solve a mystery. Rick Riordan really outdid himself with this novel. This book is about a boy and a girl who are siblings, Sadie and Carter Kane. They visit places in the world with their dad, Julius Kane. But things go wrong at the British Museum and the Rosetta Stone is blown up, releasing five Egyptian gods: Horus, Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, and Set. Soon after Julius and trapped in a tomb by Set. The journey of saving their father continues as magical and creepy things happen.
This novel is adventurous, daring, and one of a kind. It is perfect for people who are always looking for adventure and mischief. Each character has their own special little thing that makes you fall in love with them immediately.  I absolutely loved the characters, every single one of them had something that I fell in love with. This novel also really gets your imagination running, the way the setting is described, the way the characters look.
Carter Kane likes to act tougher than he really is. At heart he is shy and always obeys the rules, but at times he gets lost with himself and says and does things he shouldn’t. But that’s what makes him, him. He’s the big brother of Sadie, and no matter how much they fight, you can tell he cares for her deeply and will always protect her no matter what.
There are 3 books in the series, and each book is as good as the last. Younger kids looking for adventure will absolutely love his novel, Riordan really knows how to keep readers on their toes. It was almost impossible to put down. This book is highly recommended for everyone.

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