Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian | Teen Ink

Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian

April 1, 2016
By jennasmit BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
jennasmit BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For fourteen year old Vahan Kendarian, life is perfect. He has no reason to worry because his father has a big enough bank account to fix any troubles Vahan or his siblings might have. Vahan’s world is turned upside down when his dad is called to work and doesn’t return. Things for Vahan worsen when his uncle is taken to prison for no obvious reason. Vahan is a part of an Armenian family with many brothers and sisters. After both his father and uncle are gone things start to unravel, two of his brothers are killed and the rest of his family is taken as prisoners by the Turkish army. Along with the rest of the Kendarian family, most of the town has also been taken prisoner. Vahan, still grieving over the loss of two of his brothers, will have to endure many more hardships. The book is called Forgotten Fire because Vahan almost gives up numerous times, but he finds the forgotten flame inside himself and pushes through. He endures beatings, starvation and not being able to talk. Most of all he is ripped away from everyone and everything he cares about struggling through all of these things alone. Towards the beginning of the book Vahan is very weak and can hardly handle the fact that his uncle and dad are gone, as the story continues, he grows stronger. 
The author does an amazing job portraying to the audience the courage it takes for a teen boy to let go of the life he had before,survive with nothing, and come out alive. This book is based on a true story, making it even more tragic. It is unbelievable and heartbreaking knowing that there are people who have to struggle through these kinds of hardships. I think the author is trying to show that no matter how hard your struggle is, there is always something better to strive for. In Vahan’s case he is striving to see the remaining part of his family again, and get to a safe place.
I personally loved this book, even though, some parts were so heart wrenching and I struggled to keep reading. I cried numerous times, but was pleasantly surprised to find that the ending was beyond satisfying and was the happiest part of the book. I also enjoyed this book because it is very eye opening, I have no idea how someone of my age could struggle through the pain of so much loss, I would not be able to do it. I recommend this book to everyone, it is one of the best books I have ever read and teaches the reader a lot about not taking what you have for granted, because things can always be worse. This book is suitable for everyone, but I must warn you that it is more sad than happy, so be prepared for tears.

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