The Seems by John Hulme | Teen Ink

The Seems by John Hulme

February 26, 2009
By Matthew Angle BRONZE, Newtown PA, Pennsylvania
Matthew Angle BRONZE, Newtown PA, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Becker Drane had a pretty boring, normal life until he signed up for a job at a place called The Seems. In The Seems by John Hulme mystical adventures happen. It is a really fun book to read especially for sci-fi, fantasy and adventure lovers. Every chapter is full of action.

Becker is only twelve years old and he starts adulthood earlier than most people. He works in The Seems but lives in The World (Earth). The Seems is another world unknown to people who are outsiders. Becker signed up for a job at The Seems when he was seven years old but ended up going there to work when he was twelve. Becker really likes working at The Seems because he likes his job (being a Fixer) and his various friends. Things go pretty easy for him in The Seems until a Glitch comes. Becker's life was going well on Earth until his best friend died when he was twelve. Becker has a mom and dad and a little brother: Benjamin and a Me-2 robot replica of himself.

This book is a good and quick one to read. It is not very complicated to comprehend. Even though the plot is sometimes a little outlandish it is still stable. This book's genre is sci-fi fantasy adventure all put into a little book, which sometimes makes it complicated because there are some parts where multiple things are happening. Readers will be able to figure it all out. The Seems is a one of a kind book and certainly delightful to read.


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