The 5th Wave | Teen Ink

The 5th Wave

December 4, 2015
By karenlovesrondarousey BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
karenlovesrondarousey BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I know I can deal when things are bad, I can come back when things are at their worst. - Ronda Rousey

Rick Yancey – The 5th Wave
“The 5th Wave” is an extravagant science fiction novel written by the incredible Rick Yancey. Rick will have you at the edge of whatever you are sitting on! This book is remarkable and I recommend anyone to read it. You will not regret reading The 5th Wave, and their unbelievable dilemma. It is like a roller coaster, it will take your breath away then it makes you fall deeper and deeper until the end. As the audience, you will feel like you are in the novel and relate to the characters.
The 5th Wave is about an alien invasion, they are known as “the others.” To destroy humanity they send killing waves, first comes the 1st wave. The 1st wave, was an electromagnetic pulse that took out all electricity and killed half a million people. On the 2nd wave, the others dropped gigantic rods twice as huge as the empire state building causing tsunamis that killed three billion people. The 3rd wave, the others spread a deadly virus carried birds that causes people to bleed to death until you become practically a “bomb”. The 4th wave, is crazy! At a refugee camp where Cassie stays at, Commander Vosch orders and kills everyone at the camp. Cassie escapes and sees for herself how her father's dies by Vosch's hand. The meaning of the 4th wave is that, well … not all humans are actually humans, they came from “The Others.” Now the best for last, the children at the refugee camp were captured by the fake humans and trained to kill the remaining population.
Few of the characters that captured attention were Ben and Sammy. Ben is attractive, and Nick Robinson will act his role on the film. His role in the book is as a zombie, because who doesn’t love cute zombies? Sammy is Cassie’s little brother, and I have a little sister that is just like Sammy. Cassie’s little brother depends on her since they only have each other.  The most admired one is absolutely Cassiopeia, because she is so fearless and astute. Cassie is the protagonist and she is challenged with obstacles from beginning to end. I can relate to Cassiopeia, I’d make the same decisions as Cassie. When Cassie left her campsite to look for water and in the gas station she found another human alive. She shot him because the world would has changed it into an either/or, he’s a human or part of the others. The care, love, and protection she has for her brother is relatable, and for the rest of her family that died in the past waves.
Rick Yancey really thought the novel through, it is written so amazing. If there was to be an alien invasion all humans would lose their mind and go crazy. The 5th Wave is part of the trilogy, the second book is The Infinite Sea, and the third book is The Last Star. Make sure to read this book before the film comes out on January 2016. If you are interested in aliens and action do not forget to read the book and watch the film. Who knows what awaits in the trilogy...?  “How do you rid the Earth of humans? Rid the humans of their humanity?”(pg.12)

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