Child called it book review | Teen Ink

Child called it book review

September 9, 2015
By EmmaKennedy BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
EmmaKennedy BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I read the book , “ A Child Called It” , by David Pelzer. This book made me very thankful for everything I have specially my great parents. This book is about a little boy who has the perfect happy little family and then all a sudden his perfect mother becomes not so perfect anymore and by that I mean she becomes a heavy alcoholic. This changed everything.
                   By the mothers use of alcohol she becomes very violent with David now, but not with any of his brothers. One day David came home and his mother started beating him because his mother was told he has been stealing food at school. That's when everything went downhill for David. His mother would stop feeding him at times if he didn't finish his chores or if he snuck in food. David was no longer living the life he wanted to live. After a while David's punishments got worse some were life threatening, he actually had to go to the hospital at one point. David's dad couldn't do anything about it. David's dad was his hero though , whenever his dad was around David got less punishments.  One of David's most vulnerable punishment was when his mother locked him in a room with deadly chemicals. David was living a life in Danger.
                 I personally loved this book! It was by far the best book I've read in a long time. It made me want to read more book especially his. The book “A child called it” gave me so much insight on how someone could be living without anyone ever knowing. The thesis of this story would be to be thankful what you have and don't take it for granted. I've looked at tons of customer reviews and I didn't see one negative comment. I feel everyone should get to experience this marvelous book! This book will make you feel so great full for all you have. I know for a fact I will never beat my child.
               The ending of  “A Child Called It” was actually at the beginning of the book. Anyhow the ending was very exciting and enjoyable but very nerve racking. Towards the end when the father left it began to get very tense and made me wonder what was going to happen to David without his fathers protection. Any how I give this book a four start rating because it was wonderful and breath taking. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a sad and intense st

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because the story was so great.


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