True to the Game by Terri Woods | Teen Ink

True to the Game by Terri Woods

January 14, 2009
By So_Simply_Me SILVER, Hartford, Connecticut
So_Simply_Me SILVER, Hartford, Connecticut
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Favorite Quote:
Live strong, Die Hard

The book that I chose to read was “True to the game” by Terri Woods. This novel took place in West Philadelphia about a young couple by the names of Quadir and Gena. Gena is a 17 year old female who does not know how to take care herself with out the financial support of her husband Quadir. Quadir is a big time drug dealer who made about $17.2 million dollars.

The story began when Gena and one of her girl friends was visiting New York City to meet different guys when the two of them saw a black Jaguar riding down the street and yelled for them to stop. Rasun, the driver of the Jaguar walked over to the two of them and started to talk to Gena's friend. Rasun told Gena to go over to the car because his boy Quadir wanted to talk to her. Ironically Quadir already knew Gena and wanted to pursue a relationship from the first time he ever saw her on the back of her ex-boyfriend's motorcycle. Together, Gena spent about $5,000 a week on clothing and shoes. Quadir began to hustle more often than usual, sometimes not going home at night, or staying to shower and go back out.

After Gena realized that money wasn't everything without someone to spent it with she told Quadir that she was getting tired of him not coming home at night and that she didn't want him to sell drugs anymore because it was messing up their relationship. Quadir told her, the way she spends money like it's nothing, he has to be out there making money for the both of them. Gena eventually got over it and went back to school for her Bachelors Degree. Quadir on the other hand, stopped selling drugs, but still hung around with the same crowd of people with the same amount of enemies as when he was hustling. The two of them was living a lovely life together set with everything they could ever need. One New Years Eve, Quadir and Gena went to the club with a lot of their friends to bring in the New Year when a fight broke out and bun shot rang throughout the whole club, killing Quadir and Rasun's wife.

Not to long after Quadir's death did his mother and sister take everything that Gena had, including the Jaguar, the house, the Mercedes, and everything that wasn't Gena's in the house. Gena was left with nothing but Quadir's keys and her Mercedes Benz with no money to buy gas. She ended up moving back with her grandmother and cousins back in West Philadelphia. Gena cried day and night over Quadir for months after his death, until one day when she went to check the mail box at the postal office and found numerous letters of eviction notices to a place where she only been once in her life with Quadir. She went to the address on the envelope and used searched through her keys to find the right one for the door. When the door finally opened, she searched the home finding pictures of Quadir, his daughter, and his baby's mother. She opened up the closet and found a large safe. She called a lock's men and when he opened it, there it was the $17.2 million that Quadir had hidden from everyone. Gena gave the lock's men about $3 thousand and took the rest with her in her Mercedes and left. She didn't go back to her grandmother's or contacted anyone before she took off, not looking back and started to move on with her life. Now I have to read part II to find out what happened to her and what she did with all of her money.

In conclusion, I loved this book, it was the type of book where you really don't want to put it down until you're finished reading everything. I read this book in about 5 hours. I do recommend this book to a lot of my friends and I will continue to do that until I read another book that might capture my interest more than “True to the game”.

The author's comments:
This was a book report that I had to do for school last year about one of our favorite books. I picked True To The Game because the characters draw you into the book and once you start reading it, its very hard to put it down. I recommend this book to all high school students.


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