Shug by Jenny Han | Teen Ink

Shug by Jenny Han

January 13, 2009
By Anonymous

Have you ever been young, and in love with a boy who hardly notices you anymore? That's how Annemarie Wilcox feels when she and her long time best friend Mark Finerdy, start drifting apart. Annemarie has fallen in love just when things start changing at the beginning of middle school. Not to mention, she can't stand one of Mark's closest friends, Jack, who she now has to spend unwanted time with, if she wants to get close with Mark again.

I personally loved the way Han placed the setting in a small southern town, with very different minded people, some very small minded, and some who can't wait to get out. I also loved her choice in characters; Annemarie's alcoholic mom, gorgeous sister and dad who's never home, help make the problems in the story even more interesting. I'd recommend this southern love story to girls between sixth and eighth grade.


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