Eragon | Teen Ink


January 12, 2009
By Anonymous

Have you ever wanted to read a book with more action and danger than Harry Potter? Than Eragon is the book for you.

The book is about a boy named Eragon and he is around 17 years old when one day he finds a large blue stone in the forest where he hunts. A few days later the stone hatches into a dragon. Then at the local market he finds a man called Brom who helps him train his dragon called Saphira. The rest of the book is about them trying to find the Varden which is a group of people who oppose king Galbetorix. In the last part of the book there is a huge clash of monsters and you will have to read the book to find out.

I loved this book because of the detail and the map in the back. I remember one school night I read for 2 hours and I started at 10:00. The book was never boring and I was latched to it. The story has many twists and turns and those keep you on edge.

I would recommend this book to anybody because it had so many god life lessons. I’ve seen 5 year olds read it and my Dad has read it.


This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 14 2009 at 6:12 pm
phavi1995 SILVER, Sacramento, California
9 articles 0 photos 14 comments
OMG I love that book !! specially its sequel Eldest!