Hunger games: Mockingjay by Susan Collins | Teen Ink

Hunger games: Mockingjay by Susan Collins

December 5, 2014
By Kainoa Cook BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
Kainoa Cook BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hunger Games Trilogy Review

Katniss has escaped the arena twice, and discovered that district 13 is still alive. with the other victors and peeta captured, can katniss rescue them? and if Katniss doesn?t have Peeta, who is she really?

To summarize Mockingjay, i would say that it is about Katniss Everdeen  and the rest of district 13 is trying to save each other and survive. Katniss is trying to save peeta and the rest of the victors. It is also about district 13 getting all the other districts to rebel against the capitol. Their goal is also to not get killed. My suggestion is to read the book and watch the movie. I think that the book is better because it didn?t disappoint me as much as the movie did. Like i hated the ending for the movie. But i liked the book because i know the whole story and the adventure they took to get where they are now. I also say that the book is better because it gives you time to think about what is next. The movie just bumrushes you with a bunch of flip flopityness. Meaning that they just throw stuff at you. I also say read the book because you can read it overtime.

One difference that i noticed is that they took out the prep team. I think that they removed it from the movie because it wasn’t important. I also noticed that they put Effie in the movie, but they didn’t put her in the book. My opinion in why they didn’t put her in the book is because it would’ve made it a lot longer than it is. Another difference that i noticed is that they didn’t put the part where Finnick was doing his monologue. He was doing it to distract President Snow from knowing that they were rescuing the victors. It didn’t really help because he still caught them. Anyway, they didn’t put that part in the book. I think that the director chose to leave the prep team out because they weren’t important. I think that the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman #Plutarch Heavensbee was kind of a not so good actor. I say this because he just seemed a little off when he acted. Like, Katniss was really dramatic and good on expression. He was just so plain and straight up boring. He would?ve been good if he had more expression, emotionally and facially. I also suggest that he should work on being more uplifting when something good happens.

My opinion… My opinion of the mockingjay in general is that i liked the movie and the book. The only parts i didn?t like was when the Capitol tortured Peeta and injected him with tracker jacker venom. When he returned and tried to kill katniss, i was scared. But what i hated the most was when they ended it when peeta was strapped down in a bed locked in a secure room. That totally ruined the movie for me. I dont know about everybody else, but i am stressed that they ended it there, and it leaves me hanging, like  how is it gonna end? How is it gonna begin? My recommendation is that you should read the book first. I say that because you get to  know what the whole story and you can go back and read the book again. You should watch the movie second because it is easy to remember the differences between the both. Like, after i reed a book, i don?t really remember it as i hope i can. But if i watch the movie i can remember it really easy. Almost detail for detail.

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