The Lost Boy | Teen Ink

The Lost Boy

November 20, 2014
By Anonymous

The Lost Boy/Dave Pelzer
Health Communications, Inc., 1997, 340 pp.
Biography/non fiction

“The Lost Boy” Is about Dave Pelzer and how he overcame the horrors of his psychotic mother’s attempts to physically harm him. The most significant chapter I have read in this book is chapter three, “The Trail.” The reason why this chapter catches my attention is because of the great details the author has provided and how he shows the emotion he was going through at that moment and how gave me a visual experience .

I feel the author has reached his overall goal to inspire his readers to strive for what they desire in their future and to never give up. I feel this book is very effective and powerful because it shows a young boy can overcome the horrifying terrors of physical abuse.  The only weakness of this book is in the beginning it starts off to much like “A Child Called It.” Even though the author is trying to recap and help people remember what happened in the last book it still sound way to close. I recommend this book to others that are going through physical or emotional abuse. I feel that way because this book is a good example of  how to overcome the abuse he/she are going through, and it is a good way to show people to not give up.

This book left me feeling grateful.  I feel this is the right meaning because here I am in this world living in a nice home, new clothes on my back every day, food In my stomach, and parents that love me and would do anything for me. And now I know this horrific story on how a nine year old can do such a courageous thing.


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