The fault in our stars by John green | Teen Ink

The fault in our stars by John green

August 29, 2014
By Ghany289 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Ghany289 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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     The fault in our stars is an excellent novel written by the accomplished author, John Green. While reading this book, I was always anxious to find out what would happen next. I never wanted to put it down. It teaches you that life isn't always fair, and you don't always get what you want. I also teaches you that you can always get through tough obstacles for someone you love. 


this book is definitely geared towards young adults. I would recommend it to anyone who likes romance, comedies, and or tragedies. Any one of age 12 and up would probably be able to comprehend this novel because the author is a teenager so she doesn't use a very broad vocabulary. This makes it easier to understand and it makes it more relatable. 


I really don't know if John Green's personality shines through in this book. It would probably be hard for it to because him and the narrator are so different. I just struggle with the concept on how they would relate to each other. As you can probably imagine, John Green has a pretty great life, while a lot of aspects of Hazel's life aren't so great. Even though they are very different, Hazel is an astonishing girl and i consider Green a genius for coming up with the character.


this novel starts off with hazel saying that her mom and doctor believe she is depressed because she is very sick with cancer in her lungs. She has so much trouble with breathing that she has to carry around a green  oxygen tank for support. So anyways, her mom makes her attend a weekly support group. One day at support group, she meets a boy named Augustus waters. Gus attends support group at the request of his best friend Isaac however is in remission from cancer he had over a year ago, so he is pretty healthy. They end up dating and bonding over a book called "An Imperial Affliction" by Peter Van Houten. Gus falls in love with Hazel and decides to use his wish to taker her to Amsterdam to meet Peter. Peter turns out to be rude and horrible so they find other ways to entertain themselves and have a great time. Hazel falls in love with Gus in Amsterdam and there is a big twist at the end of the book.


in conclusion, this book is an amazing novel by John Green. I definitely recommend it to any young adult. It is very bittersweet and will touch your heart. I am so glad I choose this book for my summer reading project.


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