Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

August 19, 2014
By Kamahao Kawleu BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kamahao Kawleu BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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Divergent Book Review


Divergent was definitely on of my new favorite books right from the start. Veronica Roth is a genius in writing science-fiction books, in my opinion. The setting takes place in the future, in the city of Chicago but it’s more run down. There are five fractions that have different values that people chose to be their new family: Abnegation (selflessness), Dauntless (bravery), Erudite (knowledge), Candor (honesty), and Amity (kindness).

The factions were made to keep peace between everyone because in your faction you can be yourself. Abnegation is the faction that the main character, Beatrice (Tris) Prior, was born into. Since she was born to be selfless she’s meant to act that was but she’s different. She thinks of herself as an outsider from the rest of the Abnegation kids especially her brother Caleb who she describes as selfless down to the core. Even though she loves the idea of selflessness she can’t act selfless and is often scolded by Caleb for it.

The aptitude test was made for all sixteen year olds to take to find their new faction and to keep peace. Often times people stay in their same factions but they’re kids that transfer factions. Beatrice finds out that she is divergent, divergence is when you posses the values of more than one faction and they all pose a threat to the faction system. Beatrice has abnegation, dauntless, and erudite. Because of this she has to choose which faction she will chose to spend the rest of her life in and because of erudite and abnegations rivalry she only has to chose between abnegation or dauntless.

At the choosing ceremony all the kids must choose their new faction and their new lives. Caleb choses erudite and shocks everyone and Beatrice must decide to stay with her family or make a new one. At the last minute she chooses dauntless and again the crowd is shocked. In dauntless she becomes Tris representing that she left her old faction behind and Tris is the dauntless version of her. She must survive dauntless initiation or else she will be factionless, all while trying to maintain her romance with her instructor Four who she finds out came from abnegation also.

Tris must hide her divergence from everyone because she is a threat and they will kill her because of what she is. Four tells her, “Fear doesn’t shut you down it wakes you up” Because that’s what being divergent does to her. Now she must keep it a secret or the erudite and the dauntless leaders will kill her.

This book was one of many other books that made me yell at the characters even though i knew they weren’t real and I also couldn’t sit still at many times in the book. People should seriously read this book because it’s really interesting and well written and a really fun book.



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