The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 18, 2014
By Anela Cominella BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Anela Cominella BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book i chose to do a book review on is a very popular young adult literature, The Fault In Our Stars. This book is written by a very famous author, John Green. Most of the book takes place in Indianapolis where the main characters live, although they do take a trip to Amsterdam. The two main characters of this book are Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus (Gus) Waters. Hazel Grace is a 16 year old IV-cancer survivor who was diagnosed at the age of 13. Hazel is also very depressed because of what she is limited to do caused by the cancer. Because of this depression, her parents and doctor send her to a support group where she meets and falls in love with another cancer survivor, Augustus Waters. Both of them have lots of things in common, one being reading. Hazel has read her favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, many times and got Gus to read and love it. This book is about a teenage girl that was diagnosed with cancer. The author ends this book in the middle of a sentence because that is when the main character passes away form the cancer. This makes Hazel curious as to what happened to this teenagers family and friends. To find her answers, Hazel, Gus, and Hazel's mom decides to take a trip to Amsterdam to visit Peter Van Houston, the author. Hazel is disappointed when she figures out what a drunk and careless person Peter is. Although Peter disappointed her, she didn't let that stop her and Gus from having an amazing trip. Before they return Gus breaks the news to Hazel that his cancer has come back and is spreading throughout him. After finding out this news, the two of them spend as much time together as they can and do many things with each other. To find out what happens next, I'd highly recommend reading this book. This book will make you laugh, smile, and cry. Its a heartwarming book that i guarantee you will love!


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