The Clique by Lisi Harrison | Teen Ink

The Clique by Lisi Harrison

May 14, 2014
By Elise Schulok BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Elise Schulok BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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The Clique, is a very dramatic and enjoyable book written by Lisi Harrison. It is realistic fiction, because it made me think of what might happen to me or my friends when I get older. I enjoyed this novel because it was about girls about the same age as me,(middle school) and made me connect to it better.

This novel is about four girls, who are very close to each other and are in a Clique. Massie Block, the head of the gang, while, Kristen, Alicia, and Dylan are all of her friends. Until, a friend of Mr. Block comes to stay at their guesthouse, the Lyons. The Lyons have a daughter the same age as Massie, Claire, who Massie thought was a total nerd. Claire tries to get into Massie’s Clique, but fails. Until, she sneaks onto Massie’s IM and chats with the Clique, without Massie knowing. Turns out because of Claire, all of Massie’s friends turn on her and forms a huge argument.
This book was very interesting. I thought it was interesting because I was on the edge of my seat for most of the novel. I became more and more entertained by every chapter. When I finished it, I was glad I did because it was very fascinating. Even though there were a few confusing parts, it was still a fantastic book. I recommend this book to whoever likes drama or chick flicks, because it is a very dramatic book

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