Book Thief by Marcus Zusak | Teen Ink

Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

April 4, 2014
By Kendra Delaney BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kendra Delaney BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Thief
Have you read a book that was different from movie? The Book Thief is one of those books that has missing pieces in the movie, rather than the book.
Liesal, the protagonist happens to be one of the strongest person in the book. She goes through a lot, not only with her mother but also with her little brother. Her mother, wasn’t wealthy which caused her to give her kids up for foster care. As they were heading to their new foster parents, Liesal’s little brother died on the train ride. They got off the train and headed to the grave site to bury her little brother. Before the last two left to head to her new home, Liesal took a grave site book as to were she got her new name “The Book Thief” from.
Arriving on Himmel Street, Liesal came across her new home. Her new parents came out to welcome her, but she wasn’t so happy. It took both of her parents to finally get her to come in. She deals with a new mother, who can be mean and carry attitudes. Also a kind and pleasant papa. She’s not only surround by those two, but she makes two new guy friends named Rudy and Max which she bonded with very well. Dealing with her mother residency, she goes to the Mayors wife house and falls in love with the books she has present in her house.
The Book Thief, is a very interesting and good book. It’s great to read about the situations that occurred back in the holocaust to compare to the days we live in now. There’s a great chance, if you hadn’t read the book before watching the movie you wouldn’t understand the movie. The movie forgets main pieces as to where the book gives you full descriptions. It’s also things that may have been in the movie, but not the book.


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