Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

March 21, 2014
By PinkPanther123 SILVER, West Windsor, New Jersey
PinkPanther123 SILVER, West Windsor, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We make our own fairy-tales<br /> -Gossip girl<br /> <br /> Destiny is stupid.Its just a stupid excuse for waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen.<br /> -Gossip girl<br /> <br /> Hope for the best prepare for the worst<br /> -Divergent

‘Fear doesn’t shut you down…..it wakes you up’ this is a quote extracted from Divergent. How would you feel if you lived in ‘future’ chicago where society was divided into five factions;Amity;Dauntless;Candor;Erudite;Abnegation.
Divergent is a story set in futuristic dystopian Chicago where society was divided into five factions that each represent a different virtue. Teenagers at the age of 16 must decide if they want to leave their faction;their family;their old life for a different future or not. Their decision would affect the rest of their lives.

The main character and narrator,Tris Prior makes her choice ,which surprises everyone. She was a rare bird who decided to leave her nest to fly away. Tris and her fellow faction members have to survive a highly competitive initiation process to live out the dangerous choices they have made. However Tris has a secret….she is a divergent. This means she doesn't fit into one faction rather three. Being divergent means you’re unstable and a threat to society. If anyone knew, she would be dead.As she discovers a growing conflict in society that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, this secret might help her save the people she loves... or it might kill her.

I recommend this book to everyone.This story is ingenious and one where an adolescent can compare to. Teens are on the threshold to adulthood and with books like these they can still regain faith in themselves.This fictional book expresses the world as a challenge and to survive you must be brave.This ingenious plot was crafted by New Yorker writer Veronica Roth. She wrote such a thought oriented book that her creativity can’t be expressed in words. Divergent is one that I would recommend to all teens who need inspirations to believe in themselves.Divergent is a story which inspires teens to diverge from the mainstream of society ….from mediocrity. Veronica Roth included many thought-out quotes which can really impact someone. Divergent is a powerful story which leaves the reader thinking What makes each of us stand out from others?’;’What makes us divergent’;’What makes each of special’ Its great to think what and where do we belong? Divergent’s plot includes love, courage, friendship, selflessness and bravery. Everyone in my opinion should read this book. When you read this book you may just start believing in yourself again.


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