The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway | Teen Ink

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

March 14, 2014
By Trinidad Cardona BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Trinidad Cardona BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ernest Hemingway's classic tale about an old man at sea trying to catch the biggest fish of his life, to prove to himself hes not a quitter and that old age doesn't stop determination. In the deep seas of Cuba, a determined old man named santiago lurked in a desperate fight for not just a fish, but his determination to prevail. Santiago, a deemed unlucky fisher, had been out with a young boy named Manolin in a seemingly endless search for this fish; however, he was deprived of his young companion for his parents made him switch fishing boats due to the old mans bad luck. Despite what others say, Santiago catches an 18 foot marlon that drags him further into the depths of the blue sea; the fish only pushed Santiagos drive even more.

Manolin was one of the old mans main motivation and has an unbreakable connection to Santiago. Manolin goes to visit the old man even though he can not fish with him, Manolin gave him courage and something to fight for, he was motivation. Santiago also ran into a problem, after an everlasting fight against the fish he had captured it; however, he was was crushed to see his hard work eaten and demolished by a pack of sharks. Because he managed to keep his head high and was proud of his work, Santiago has prevailed as my favorite character in the story.

I think it was an amazing and motivational book and a very interesting book. A specific scene catches my eye as my favorite part when he gets his hand cut wide open; instead of giving up he pushes just as hard. That shows how many obstacles will come and go but that you should never give up. Someone with self confidence or low confidence would enjoy this book; it shows the good side of everyone. The book pulls the reader in, anxious to continue reading.

The theme is to never give up no matter how many obstacles may intervene. To never give up on a dream that could turn into reality because you're strong enough mentally to make anything happen. These are the things that will stick with us throughout life and was expertly expressed through a timeless tale. This has been a must for everyone since before The Old Man and The Sea was published in 1952. This shall stay in longevity.

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