Cut by Patricia McCormick | Teen Ink

Cut by Patricia McCormick

February 12, 2014
By HaileyJade811 BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
HaileyJade811 BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

My book Cut by Patricia McCormick was about a girl named Callie who had some problems in her life and had to go to a treatment facility. The authors purpose of this story would be that she is trying to show people who can relate to Callie's situation that you can get help with your problems if you open up. I think this book was very inspiring for people who have been or can relate to what Callie went through and I think that it also shows you that if you are scared to open up and tell people about your problems that it couldn't help you get better. Callie is a fifteen year old girl who self-harms, she doesn't do it to kill herself she does it to take the pain away from life. She then gets sent to a treatment facility where there she will not talk to anyone whatsoever. Then a girl Amanda comes in with the same problem as her, cutting, after Amanda came Callie started to open up and talk just about minor things in her life.

People in Callie's life before she went to the treatment facility thought that Callie had a normal life but she really didn't. Cut is an inspiring book because once you read the book you can kind of imagine what Callie has been through. If you visualize how the author describes what she is saying you can see and kind of relate to what Callie is going through. Callie stays silent during group therapy and during personal therapy, "Sydney's nickname for me is S.T., for silent treatment." (pg. 4.) No one really knows why Callie is at the treatment facility in the first place because she never talks to anyone. Callie has to stay at "Sea Pines" the treatment facility for her self-harming and she stays there with about five other girls, but none of them self-harm like she does they all have other problems.

Callie's mother and brother come to visit her sometimes at Sea Pines but her dad never comes. She always thinks that he just dropped them off and he had to go to work, but she would always wait at the window for her dad but she always only sees her mother and brother. Even when Sam, her brother, and her mother came to visit her she wouldn't talk then either. They would ask her questions but they would always assume what her answer was so they would just continue. ""Wanna play again?" he didn't wait. "Ok." he answered himself." (pg. 20) Sam was trying to ask Callie if she wanted to play a game with him so he just assumed that she would say okay.

Callie would sneak pieces of metal in her room and wait for night to cut. One night she did and she scared herself after she cut. Once she done that she started to realize that she wanted to quit. Callie starts to open up in group and in personal therapy and she starts talking about everything that has happened in her life. She mentions that her brother got seriously sick and that she blames herself for him getting sick. But the question is, was it really her fault? She would only mention little things to Claire, her therapist, about her brothers illness. After Callie starts doing good in therapy then she starts thinking negatively again and she escapes Sea Pines and she runs away.

Does Callie ever return to Sea Pines? Does she ever get the help that she needs? Does Callie ever open up about the rest of her life and what happens? This book shows you that not to think that you only have those problems or that you need to open up and tell someone that you need help. Callie is just a fifteen year old girl who wants to be normal again and not self-harm like she does and maybe going to Sea Pines would help her get better. I would recommend this book to pre-teens and teenagers because I think that if someone out there is like Callie they could understand that getting help and opening up could help you. The book is very inspiring because it makes people who don't know what it is like to help them understand what those people go through. All together this book was very amazing and it was as good as I thought it would be.


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