Bruiser by Neal Shusterman | Teen Ink

Bruiser by Neal Shusterman

September 9, 2013
By Charlie Andrus BRONZE, Guilford, Connecticut
Charlie Andrus BRONZE, Guilford, Connecticut
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Bruiser by Neal Shusterman
“The first thing I see is his back. It’s enough to scare anyone. There’s damage there, strange damage. It’s impossible to see what has caused it. Scars and pocket marks; discoloration; a big bruise on his shoulder, yellowed around the edges. His back is decimated like the cratered surface of the moon.”
Bronte, a normal high school girl, begins to date an unlikely boyfriend who was voted most likely to earn the death penalty by his fellow classmates. Bronte’s new lover Brewster also known as Bruiser is a shy and quiet boy who enjoys expressing himself poetically. Because of Brewster’s “curse” he decides to turn down any possible friends… until he meets Bronte. Brew and Bronte’s new relationship quickly alarms Tennyson, Bronte’s brother and this is when they discover his “Big secret”.

I really enjoyed how the book was expressed in many different points of view. The vivid details kept me reading until my eyes began to hurt. The characters were so perfectly molded into the story I felt an attachment to each character and experienced all their emotions.

I certainly recommend this book to teens and adults and especially to romance, science fiction, and drama fans. This book will grasp you and keep you with that reading light on until 4:00 AM just like it did for me. So watch out because if you pick this book up you won’t be putting it down any time soon.


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