Eragon by Christopher Paolini | Teen Ink

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

September 5, 2013
By JohnMcClure BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
JohnMcClure BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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If you are looking for a must read page turner, than read the wonderfully written fantasy, Eragon. The amazing book was written by Christopher Paolini. He began writing the book when he was only 15 years old! He wrote all four books in the Inheritance Cycle. He was raised in Paradise Valley, Montana. His book Eragon sold more than 33 million copies. He writes freely and imaginative. Eragon has also been turned into a movie in 2006.
Eragon is a book for anyone who is looking for an amazing fantasy novel. It is set in a beautiful world of Algaesia, possessed by the evil king Galbatorix. Eragon, the main character, is a 15 year old peasant boy who lives on a farm with his uncle Garrow and cousin Roran. He hunts for food and also protects his family. When he went on one hunt in the mysterious mountains of the Spine, he finds a magnificent, shiny blue dragon egg. It immediately throws him into a world of sacrifice and choices. On his perilous adventure, he is accompanied by his powerful dragon Saphira, and an old, but magical, guy named Brom.
Many dangerous events happen to Eragon and his crew. Being cast thousands of miles away from his farm really impacts his life since he has never been out of his small hometown. Everyday offers a new twist on their adventure. One night, he wakes up lost in the forest with Saphira’s wings as the only shelter. When he comes home, he finds that his farm is burning down with Garrow inside! Since Saphira can’t be seen, this leaves them with an impossible feat to pull off. Can they save Garrow and gain vengeance on the Razac who burnt down the farm?
The theme of Eragon is that no matter what obstacles you will ever face, you must not give up. Eragon never gave up, even though he faced many tragic accidents. The tone of the story is very emotional, anticipating, and endearing. Each character has their own emotion. Eragon is anxious to get the journey over with, while Saphira is wise and wants to be free.
I fell in love with Eragon as soon as I read a couple of pages. In every chapter, it kept me waiting for the next twist to add to the characters’ lives. There is a diverse group of species in Eragon, ranging from elves, to urgals, to dragons. It intertwines companionship, love, adventure, and emotion into the perfect balance for a perfect book. There are no dull pages in Eragon. It makes you wonder what really existed long ago.

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