When Lightning Strikes by Meg Cabot | Teen Ink

When Lightning Strikes by Meg Cabot

September 5, 2013
By karlyodell BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
karlyodell BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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When Lightning Strikes by Meg Cabot

The book When Lightning Strikes is part of a series called 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU written by Meg Cabot. Meg Cabot is a number one New York Times Bestselling Author. She has written more than 25 series and books, including the princess Diaries, and Mediator of Babble. Meg Cabot writes books for both teens and adults, and has sold more than 15 million copies all over the world.

When Lightning Strikes is a fictional teen and adult novel. It takes place in present time Indiana. Jessica Mastriani, better known as Jess, is the main character in the story. She is not considered a people-person and is willing to fight anyone that gets in her way. Her best friend, Ruth, lives next door to Jess; they have been best friends since kindergarten.

One day while walking home for school, it started storming. Jess and Ruth ran for shelter under the metal bleachers where Jess was leaning against them. Lightning struck the bleachers causing Jess to get electrocuted. That’s when her whole world changed. She has the ability to locate missing children.

It’s not like she can locate every single person at one time. Jess must see a picture of them and during the night she dreams of where they are. When she decides to call the hotline for missing children, the media is all over her which upsets her schizophrenic brother, Douglas. When agents from all over decide to find her and put her in a military base for observation, everything goes wrong.

For the rest of the story, read the book When Lightning Strikes. I would definitely recommend this book to people of all ages, especially young adults. It is a very interesting story and the book will leave you wanting to read more.


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