<i>Long Walk to Freedom</i> by Nelson Mandela | Teen Ink

Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela MAG

August 5, 2013
By Dfidenes BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Dfidenes BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Nelson Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom, he shows the reader the amazing life he led through his feelings and thoughts. It details how Mandela was born in a village, followed traditional customs, and then was adopted by a wealthy family and sent to college. As an adult, he set up his law office and became one of the few (if only) lawyers to represent the repressed, segregated masses.

From here we learn of how Mandela joined the African National Congress, rising through the ranks to power. I believe that it is from the moment he joined the ANC that his true story, his life as the great Nelson Mandela, came to fruition.

His story is truly amazing. To read this book and hear the thoughts and wisdom of one of the greatest activists in history is simply incredible. This book opened my eyes to the larger world and showed me the greatness of some people.

Mandela's writing style really brought this book alive, making me want to turn the pages faster and faster. His voice shone through, and his calm and somehow nostalgic writing style heightened the book's already good qualities. He constantly made himself heard, making his thoughts and actions leap from the page.

This book is an excellent read. It is dramatic, tragic, humorous, witty, and inspiring, showing us the greatness of this man. I would recommend it to anyone, and am proud to have reviewed it.

The author's comments:
To show how fantastic this book is.


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