The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley | Teen Ink

The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley

February 4, 2013
By Clare Phelps BRONZE, Cincinnati, North Dakota
Clare Phelps BRONZE, Cincinnati, North Dakota
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The Sisters Grimm, By Michael Buckley is a fantasy story. There are two sisters, Sabrina and Daphne, that became orphans at a young age. They were thought to have no family left, so they hopped around to foster parents all the time. One time, after many foster parents, they found a elderly women, in Ferryport Landing, who said she was their grandma. Sabrina and Daphne do not believe this to be true.
Daphne is ok with this lady more than Sabrina is. Sabrina thinks they should run away from her because she is a lunatic. There are things such as the discolored foods and the many locks on the front door that drive her to believe this. So that night the girls ran away. Well not for long. They see these little floating lights. They are not little lights. They are something that is biting them and chasing them. The girls rush inside and their grandma tells them they were pixies. The girls then realize this no ordinary town.
The family runs into a conflict later in the story. Their grandma Relda and her butler, Mr. Canis get snached up by a giant. While figuring out who released the giant, and why they wanted their grandma, the girls meet some fairy tale characters from their old story books. Will the girls ever get their grandma back?
This story has lots of exciting characters, and surprises. You start to put the clues together in your head, then you turn the page and are astound by the change in events. You can never figure it out until the end. This book is pretty slow as the author sets the stage and begins the book, but it picks up the pace after the beginning. The Sisters Grimm is a great book, though, I would not recommend it to everyone. It is a simpler read, and therefore I would recommend it to reading levels of 7th grade and below.


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