Summer Ball by Mike Lupica | Teen Ink

Summer Ball by Mike Lupica

January 8, 2013
By Justin Williams BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Justin Williams BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Danny Walker is a fourteen year old boy, and he attends Middletown high, he also plays basketball and he makes god grades.
This book is about a fourteen year old
Boy. His name is Danny Walker. He wants to go to basketball camp over the summer. He is anxiously waiting to go so he can showcase his talents. Danny Walker’s seventh grade travel basketball team won a national tournament, which made them feel like they were the most famous kids in America. Danny was one of the smallest on the court, even though he was the smallest on the court; every one was still the same age as him. “Danny wasn’t just going to the camp because he wanted to play the kid from the next block over, he was going because he wanted to play the kid from the next block over, and he was going to see if he could hang with the big boys”. Some of the kids they were going to be freshman and sophomores. The age group was from ages thirteen through fifth teen. The book Summer Ball in my opinion was a good book. It was interesting to me, because any book to me that has to do with sports is interesting to me. Mike Lupica wrote this book for the reader to be able to connect and be interested in his book.


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