The Red Pyramid Review | Teen Ink

The Red Pyramid Review

December 20, 2012
By Monster_2024 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Monster_2024 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Winning isn't everything it's the only thing"

The Red Pyramid

By: Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid is an outstanding book to read. Don’t let the first few paragraphs fool you. After you get past them the book explodes with excitement. Once The Red Pyramid is picked up it will not be put back down without the book being completed.

In the plot Carter and Sadie Kane have to save the world from ancient gods. This brother and sister combo have to save Earth by mastering their incredible powers. They try to achieve this by going to many different training grounds to practice. They go to a magical city of a house, and even an actual magical underground city.

Carter Kane is an amazing character because with little training he turned into a warrior. He did this without needing to give in to his inner god. Sure he may have used its powers once or twice, but most of it was all him. It is crazy how much Carter changed, over the course of the book. He changes from a scrawny little kid, to a relentless fighting machine.

A fighting machine is not always what is needed. Thats where Sadis Kane comes in handy. Her quick thinking, and impressive spells make her a real threat in a fight. When partnered up with Carter Kane there almost unbeatable. The only problem with Sadie is that she has a tendency to run her mouth off. Her mouth gets them in fights that could have been avoided.

Sadie’s big mouth, and Carter’s easy abillity to be frightened seem to be a problem in the beginning. Through the book the training, and family members lives at risk seems to take those weaknesses away. For these family members they even put their differences aside, and start to get along. Without them getting along I don’t think they would have gotten as far as they did.

This book had most of the criteria to be considered a “Great Book”. It started out slow, but the rest of the book was worth waiting for. Above all it had a great ending. The obstacles Carter and Sadie Kane had to overcome were challenging, but with lots of training they did it.

The Red Pyramid is one of the best books. It kept me on the edge of my seat, and I know it’ll do the same for you. As one of the best books I've ever read I deemed it a great book to read. Everyone should read this book at least once.


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