Homeboyz by Alan Lawrence Sitomer | Teen Ink

Homeboyz by Alan Lawrence Sitomer

October 29, 2012
By Anonymous

Can you imagine your sister being gunned down? Alan Lawrence Sitomer wrote this book. My opinion it is one of the best books I ever read it reminds me about if my sister was shot I would get revenge also. It all started when Teddy Anderson’s little sister Tina got gunned down randomly by drive by shooters, they called the case a RP RT wrong place wrong time.

If you read this book I guarantee you will like it, everyone that I recommended it to read it and thought it was good. Homeboyz is Alan Lawrence Sitomer’s darkest, most dramatic and most hopeful work yet. After Tina died there was no one left except Teddy, Micah, & Teddy’s grandparents.

Teddy is the one who wants revenge. Micah is the one who met teddy at the P.O. Teddy is very upset/mad about what happened to his sister, Micah didn’t really have a good life until he met Teddy. This book is one of my favorite books ever.

Once again I think everyone who reads this will love this book, it is an amazing book. The reason why is because Teddy changed Micah’s whole life from the bottom to top. Just think about you sister getting shot in a drive by, and then also you would be proud about changing a life, So just think about that.


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