Shiloh by Phillis Reynolds Naylor | Teen Ink

Shiloh by Phillis Reynolds Naylor

October 29, 2012
By Anonymous

The book Shiloh is about a boy named Marty that falls in love with a dog that he found that has been abused. I like this book because, it is sad and in the end, what happens to Shiloh and Marty. It teaches you that if you keep your heart into something you’ll get it in the end.

Shiloh is about a boy that finds a dog while he is on his daily run in the woods with his rifle. The dog belongs to a man named Judd Travers. He is the type of person that only wants his dogs for hunting. When Marty finds Shiloh he lets him come home with him. Marty builds a pen for Shiloh and everyday Marty brings him food. He was keeping Shiloh a secret from his family and friends because he didn’t want to tell anybody and then they tell Judd. One day another dog hurt Shiloh. Marty and his dad had to take him to the hospital. The doctor stitched him up, but he wasn’t a vet. Someone saw Shiloh in the doctor’s office and told Judd. Judd went to the Marty’s house demanding Shiloh back. Then one day, they both agreed.

I recommend this book because it is a very good book, because you don’t know what’s going to happened to Shiloh. It is cute and sad so, if you like those types of books it’s a good book for you. But if like animals, especially dogs, then this is the book for you.


This article has 1 comment.

nattygrunden said...
on Apr. 15 2014 at 12:51 pm
i like shiloh it is an awesome book i recomond it for you it is awesome!!!!