Lola and The Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins | Teen Ink

Lola and The Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

October 10, 2012
By Katlyn Smith SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
Katlyn Smith SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
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In “Lola and The Boy Next Door”, Stephanie Perkins tells us about how one girl can find her way with little to no help at all. This book is a truly inspiring love story and I think that teenagers who need help finding their selves should read this book.

The protagonist, Lola, is a very outgoing teen who lives in San Francisco and loves to design fashion, but her life is not always good. She has to decide who she wants to be. Next, this book is very well written through the emotion of the protagonist. You can very easily put yourselves in Lola's shoes, trying to solve her problems. Also, one thing that I don't think that this book has enough of is during the falling action. It tells you a lot about solving her problems, but I would have liked to have read more. Finally, this book is like Sarah Dessen's book “Lock and Key”, in a sense that both of the protagonist's have similar conflicts.

I think that people who like to read about teenage romances should read this book.


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