Pretty Little Liars | Teen Ink

Pretty Little Liars

September 26, 2012
By BrandiMedina BRONZE, Nipomo, California
BrandiMedina BRONZE, Nipomo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the book Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard, we meet these five girls; Aria, Emily, Spencer, Hanna, and Alison who live in Rosewood. All of these girls are different in their own way yet are able to find a way to become best friends. In 8th grade, we find out that Alison inexplicably disappears one night while the girls were having a sleep over. Then the book jumps to three years later where the girls all ended up going their separate ways. Aria ends up moving back to Rosewood with her family from Iceland and falls for a guy she later finds out is her English teacher. You see throughout the book that all the girls have their own problems they face. Then you find out that they are all receiving messages from this mysterious number about the incident that happened that night. They assume that it’s their friend Alison because she’s the only one besides them that knows about that night. The police end up finding Alison’s body buried in her old house, so they get start to wonder who the person could be sending them these messages since nobody else knew. Little did they know that this was just the beginning of all their problems. Sara Shepard did a great job at having suspense in her Pretty Little Liars making the writer want to read the next book.


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